Por: PABLO ALTOE AMORIM (JAFENG / FAESA CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO), Nelson Fernando Santos Eltz (FAESA CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO), Luiza Emília Vila Nova Mazzoni (Universidade federal do Espírito santo), Ana Carolina Agrizzi Araujo (Universidade federal do Espírito santo), José Antônio Ramiro Avelar (vale), José Amorim Filho (jafeng), Temistocles de Sousa Luz (Universidade federal do Espírito santo)
The crankshafts of locomotives have a lubrication channel that goes through its length. During maintenance, these are often heated, by means of a torch, that can form martensite and consequently, the nucleation of cracks, which can lead to catastrophic failure of the crankshafts. The recovery process of these cracks by traditional means becomes impracticable due to the size of the shaft, with a length up to four meters, thus, the viability of the double layer method performed in an automated process. Four differents heat inputs single layer welding were tested in SAE 4140 steel according to the reference [1] and their heat affected zones (HAZ) were determined by microhardness. The heat inputs were combined and chosen so that the soft zone of the second layer overlaps the hard zone of the first layer. After double layer welding on 4140 steel, the combination that presented the best result was tested on SAE 4130 steel, showing satisfactory results. Thus, the method is feasible and must be tested with the manual process.